Safeguarding Policy
The safety of children and adults at risk is of paramount importance to Hull City and Tigers Sport and Education Trust, and we shall continue to do our utmost to help safeguard children, young people and adults at risk in our care.
We believe that football should be an enjoyable activity for everyone whether as a participant or spectator, child or adult. We continue to do all we can to encourage the participation of all sectors of the community and to make the involvement in football a healthy, life-enhancing, and safe experience.
As a Club and as a Trust, we are fully committed to safeguarding and providing a safe environment for children, young people and adults at risk and will always take appropriate action to ensure children, young people and adults at risk are safe. We fundamentally believe that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility
What we ask staff and volunteers to do:
Things we ask staff to remember when dealing with children, young people or vulnerable adults:
Create a positive environment that promotes football as a healthy, enjoyable and life-enhancing experience
Treat everyone with respect, setting a positive example for others
Respect personal space and privacy
Ensure another adult is present or within sight or hearing of an activity or interaction with a child/young person or vulnerable adult
Make sure that your actions cannot be misinterpreted by someone else
Challenge unacceptable behaviour
Never put a child, young person, vulnerable adult or yourself in a vulnerable or compromising situation
Do not have inappropriate physical, verbal or social media contact with others.
Do not keep allegations or suspected abuse to yourself
What staff / volunteers should do if a child or young person wishes to tell them they have been abused by someone, including any allegation made by them against an Adult who works with children:
Stay calm and do not appear to be shocked
Listen carefully and try to remember as much details as you can
Offer reassurance that they have done the right thing by telling you
Preserve any evidence where possible
Be aware that in certain circumstances medical evidence may be needed
Inform the Trust Safeguarding Officer or (with their permission) Head of Safeguarding at the Club in the first instance
Write down as much information as you can as soon as is reasonably possible
If the person is injured or in danger take immediate action e.g. dial 999 for the police or ambulance
Only involve those who need to know
Complete an Incident Report Form
Flow chart for referring concerns:
1. Safeguarding concern arises in concern of child/vulnerable adult
2. Refer concern to Trust Safeguarding Officer (DSO) or CEO
3. Trust Safeguarding Officer discusses with Head of Safeguarding who makes and initial assessment.
Advice and guidance can be sought from:
Tigers Trust and Arena Safeguarding Officer: Kayleigh Jackson: 01482 358371 / 07946368998
Head of Safeguarding: Caroline Adamson: 01482 358359 / 07525873309
Hull Children’s Social Care
Emergency Duty Team: 01482 300304
Emergency Duty Team: 01377 241273
East Riding Children’s Social Care
Early Help & Safeguarding Hub: 01482 448879
Early Help & Safeguarding Hub: 01482 395500
Police: Call 101 or 999 in an emergency.