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As an organisation The Tigers Trust are committed to building towards a sustainable future and improving the environmental wellbeing of our local communities. 
The Boot Room has been a huge factor in sustainability since April 2022 as this saw the launch of a boot appeal campaign that aims to recycle old and unwanted football boots. This appeal was created to remove any barriers from participating in sport, such as not having the correct equipment. This initiative also aims to target major issues, including climate change. In January 2023, The Boot Room at the Tigers Trust Arena was officially opened, this room is now dedicated to storing these donated boots that can easily be accessed by staff members to distribute to the community. 
The Trust also works alongside local charity R-Evolution who provide the opportunity for people to learn about long term behaviour changes when it comes to sustainability, also allowing individuals to feel confident in their own ability whilst feeling part of a community. The organisation works with people from all backgrounds and participants of the Tigers Trust sessions, including those who are struggling to find work by upskilling them. 
We are also set to support the Re:Uniform project which collects and redistributes used school uniform from across Hull and the surrounding areas which will then be distributed to those in need at a time where the cost of living is ever rising. The name “Re:uniform” reminds people that we need to “Reduce, reuse and recycle” if we are to reduce our carbon footprint. 
Finally, Wally the Whale has been positioned at the front of the Tigers Trust Arena for over four years now, and was set up by a group of young people as a way to encourage the recycling of plastic bottles rather than them building up to already overflowed landfill sites , these bottles can now be turned into reusable materials for the future. 
Please click here to see how the Tigers Trust are encouraging communities to live sustainable lifestyles. 
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