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XPIRED - SOLD OUT: Thursday 10th November: A Question of Sport


We are delighted to be hosting our second 'A Question of Sport' evening on Thursday 10th of November 2022.

Three teams made up of special guests - all connected with Hull City - will battle their brains against each other to see who can win the sporting knowledge bragging rights.

A Pie and Pea Supper will also be included in the ticket price.

Time: 6:30pm arrival for a 7:00pm start.

Location: The Kingston Suite, the MKM Stadium.

Ages: Open to all ages (Those under 18 must be accompanied by an adult)

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Back by popular demand, we are delighted to be hosting our second 'A Question of Sport' evening at The MKM Stadium!

Three teams made up of special guests - all connected with Hull City - will battle their brains against each other to see who can win the sporting knowledge bragging rights.

Please contact [email protected] ahead of the night if you have any dietary requirements.

Time: 6:30pm arrival for a 7:00pm start.

Location: The Kingston Suite, the MKM Stadium.