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NCS provides teenagers with the chance to make a lasting impact in their local community. 
The second week of the programme sees the young people, aged 16-17, complete a week of social action which allows them to realise the difference they can make. 
None highlight this better than a group of participants who recently completed a social action project for KIDS, a national charity that supports disabled children. 
The charity had reached out as they needed help clearing their outside space which was overflowing with weeds and was out of use. 
Within three days, the young people had cleared the garden and transformed it into a safe space for children to relax and enjoy. 
Speaking about the success of the project, NCS Team Leader Amy Blinkhorn said: “I think it’s beneficial for the young people to get involved with social action because it shows them what’s happening in their local community and what support is needed. 
“Just from speaking to the group of young people, they’ve said that they’d love to work in a place like this because of the difference charities like this are able to make.” 
Well done to the group for completing such an incredible social action project that is certain to make a huge difference. 
Everyone at the Tigers Trust would also like to send their best wishes to Amy Blinkhorn who recently sustained a serious injury whilst playing football. 
Tagged as: NCS
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